Yups, dari judulnya pun kita pati sudah tahu akan karakter anime yang satu ini, yang pastinya akan dikemas dalam Map dari Warcraft III, cekkidoet . !!
Currently available Modes:
-ap: allows to pick heros from both taverns
-ar: everyone gets a random hero
-sm: heroes get faster experience
-usm: heroes get 3x experience than usual
-nf: no fog of war (map is completely visible)
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the
war as well)
Further Game Commands:
-random: you will get a random hero instead of having to
pick one
-suicide: kills your hero, but you pay 500g for it
(use when you are stucked)
-ms: shows the current movement speed of your hero
-ma: shows which player controls which hero
-cs: displays the number of creeps you have killed
-ch/-cn/-cl: scrolls the camera to high/normal/low
-repick: allows you to once repick your hero
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the
war as well)
Mau tahu ?? Coba aja dulu, dijamin gak akan nyesel kok, hehehe,,

Download | Map Bleach vs. Naruto vs One Piece 1.8 |
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