Dr.WEB CureIt! 7.0 Beta / 6.00.16 adalah sebuah antivirus yang bisa memantau semua aktivitas kita saat berinternet maupun yang lainnya dari ancaman virus - virus yang menginfeksi file - file.
What's New :
· A new scanning subsystem that can scan computer disks in a multithreaded mode to fully benefit from multi-core processors.
· Significant increase in the scanning speed.
· Greatly enhanced stability of the program virtually eliminates the possibility of BSOD ("blue screen of death") during the scanning.
· Completely redesigned user interface.
· Rootkit search subsystem.
· Advanced custom scan features that allow to scan a computer memory, boot sectors, startup objects, etc.
· An option to block a network connection during the scanning.
· An option to shut down an operating system as soon as the scanning is complete.
· Scanning a PC BIOS for "bioskits" — malicious programs infecting a PC BIOS.
Mau tahu ?? Coba aja dulu, dijamin gak akan nyesel kok, hehehe,,
Langsung di seddoooott ya . !!
Download | Dr.WEB CureIt! 7.0 Beta / 6.00.16 |
What's New :
· A new scanning subsystem that can scan computer disks in a multithreaded mode to fully benefit from multi-core processors.
· Significant increase in the scanning speed.
· Greatly enhanced stability of the program virtually eliminates the possibility of BSOD ("blue screen of death") during the scanning.
· Completely redesigned user interface.
· Rootkit search subsystem.
· Advanced custom scan features that allow to scan a computer memory, boot sectors, startup objects, etc.
· An option to block a network connection during the scanning.
· An option to shut down an operating system as soon as the scanning is complete.
· Scanning a PC BIOS for "bioskits" — malicious programs infecting a PC BIOS.
Mau tahu ?? Coba aja dulu, dijamin gak akan nyesel kok, hehehe,,

Download | Dr.WEB CureIt! 7.0 Beta / 6.00.16 |
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^_^ Terima kasih ^_^
Mari Kita Saling Menghargai Sesama Blogger
Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan, karena semua yang di posting di blog
Adiet’s Media ini telah di uji coba dahulu oleh admin.
^_^ Terima kasih ^_^
4 komentar:
ada yg baru izin download ahhh
kunjungan balik.
nice shearnya gan.
hahaha ok gan silahkan,,
ok gan,,
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WARNING: jangan hanya mengandalkan satu link saja karena suatu saat link download bisa saja terhapus oleh hosting file,, jangan lupa untuk membeli software yang asli . !!
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